Exhibit Hall Opportunities

Exhibit Hall Opportunities
The 2019 TWS-WS Exhibit Hall will be in the Forestview Ballroom – the hub of our meeting! Exhibitors are guaranteed to have maximum interaction with the 600+ meeting attendees who will gather near this area for the Concurrent Sessions, Plenary & Keynote talks, daily refreshment breaks, evening receptions and more.
Exhibit Hall Schedule:
- Tuesday Setup: 1-3pm
- Tuesday: 3-8:30pm
- Wednesday: 9am-7pm
- Thursday: 8am-9pm
- Friday: 8-11am
Exhibit Hall Details:
- Each exhibit space includes one 6’ table and 2 chairs. Please note that electrical connections, telephone lines and/or wired internet connections are available at an additional cost. (Please arrange directly with the Event Coordinator, Candace Renger). We will do our best to accommodate artists with their special booth requirements.
- Sponsorship and Exhibitor requests must be received by January 1, 2019 to be recognized in our printed materials. Meeting sponsors, please send ads in jpg format saved at 100% of the ad size at 300 dpi.
- As in previous years, exhibitors will be asked and encouraged to donate goods or services to our annual raffle and / or silent auction. This is optional and agreement to do so will not reduce the table registration cost.
- The exhibit hall room will be locked each evening promptly at the scheduled closing time.
- Exhibit space is limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, determined by date when registration and payment are received. All decisions on exhibitor placement and approval are solely at the discretion of TWS-WS.
- If you plan to ship your exhibit materials or merchandise in advance, please contact the hotel to inquire about space restrictions, timing, and charges.
- Exhibitors are eligible for discounted room rates at the Tenaya Lodge. Limited rooms are available so be sure to book early!
- Business-in-Development rate is available to Businesses-in-Development/Entrepreneurs for two sequential years maximum.
Exhibit Hall Costs
Exhibit Hall Vendor – $1,000 for Commercial Companies (or) $700 for Nonprofits/Business-in-Development (or) $250 for artists
- High traffic table in the Exhibit Hall in the Forestview Ballroom (Tuesday afternoon through Friday morning)
- 1 Meeting Registration and the option to purchase one more at a 50% discount (Registration includes all meeting sessions Wednesday through Thursday, plus the Welcome Reception, Poster Reception, and lunch on both Wednesday and Thursday)
- Link to your website on our meeting website Exhibitor’s page
- Recognition on our website, in emails to our membership, and in our meeting program book as an Exhibitor
Interested in sponsoring the meeting? Information on Sponsorship packages: http://tws-west.org/tenayalodge2019/annual-meeting/sponsors-exhibitors/
Thank you for your interest in participating in this event and we look forward to seeing you at the Annual Meeting! You may sign up to become an Exhibitor (or Sponsor) through the online registration form (opening in October), or by contacting our Meeting Planner at the email or phone number below. Thank you for your consideration.
Candace Renger, Meeting Planner
candace.renger@gmail.com (510) 527-5627
Click to enlarge: 2019 Tenaya Lodge Layout
Thank You to our Past TWS-WS Annual Meeting Sponsors and Exhibitors
- Alpen Optics
- American Wildlife Enterprises
- AmigoCloud
- Animex Fencing
- Ascent Environmental, Inc.
- CA Dept of Fish and Wildlife
- CA Landscape Conservation Cooperative
- California BLM
- Colibri Ecological Consulting
- Condor Country Consulting, Inc.
- Cordoba Corporation
- Coyote Brush Studios
- Craft and Quail
- DeTect Inc.
- Dudek
- E.I. Medical Imaging
- ECORP Consulting, Inc.
- Electronic Data Solutions
- Environmental Science Associates
- ERTEC Environmental Systems
- Fletcher Conservation Lands
- Friends of Nevada Wilderness
- GEI Consultants, Inc.
- GeoTrak, Inc.
- Holohil Systems Ltd.
- Humboldt State Alumni
- ICF International
- Ironwood Consulting, Inc
- Lotek Wireless Inc. / Biotrack / Sirtrack
- McCormick Biological, Inc.
- Mountain Lion Foundation
- North Star Science and Technology, LLC
- North State Resources, Inc.
- Owyhee Air Research
- Pacific Gas and Electric
- Quad Knopf
- RECON Environmental, Inc.
- Redfin
- Reyes Paintings
- San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research
- Sequoia Ecological Consulting, Inc.
- Shasta-Trinity NF
- Sirtrack Tracking Solutions
- Sonoma County Water Agency
- Stantec
- Sue’s Art
- Swaim Biological, Inc.
- Telemetry Solutions
- The Crustacean Society
- The Great Basin Institute
- The Wildlife Society
- Titley Scientific
- Tomahawk Live Trap Company
- Transcon Environmental, Inc.
- Tulare Basin Wildlife Partners
- TWS-Southern California Chapter
- U.S. Peace Corps
- URS Corporation
- USDA Forest Service
- Vectronic-Aerospace
- Westervelt Ecological Services
- Wildlands
- Wildlife Consulting & Photo
- Wildnote
- WRA, Inc